It’s Not A Race, But If It Was Praxis Won!

Last week Rishi Sunak surprised us all by calling a General Election in the UK for the 4th of July.

If we were political, it’s at this point we’d make a joke that the man who couldn’t make a plan for rain, shouldn’t be trusted to come up with a plan to fix the UK. But, we’re impartial (LOLZ) so wouldn’t dream of making that joke.

Anyway, he stood in the rain and announced the election at about 5pm.

Because we are nerds we rushed to our inbox to see which organisations would be first to talk to us and ask us to do something.

Was it Labour? Nope!

The first email in our inbox was from Praxis.

And what an email it was.

We’re lucky to work with Praxis. We’re even luckier to have spent some time with them a few months ago sketching out a plan for what we would do when the election was called.

We didn’t write the wonderful email you can see above, they did. In fact they started writing it at 4pm, and got it signed off, set up in their system and sent by 5pm. To quote Anya, the Digital Engagement Officer at Praxis, “As soon as he said the date, I hit send!”

The moral of this story is to have a plan. And to be more Praxis.

And while you’re here take their action.